Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Willem Claesz. Heda (ca. 1594-1680)

You are of the mind that there's nothing better than a good still life to stimulate the senses; thus, you occasionally feast your eyes on the sumptuous work of one of the Flemish Baroque's finest, Willem Claeszoon Heda. You realize that viewing digital reproductions of Heda's masterpieces is hardly a complete experience, and you humbly apologize for the shortcomings of this medium. That said, please click to enlarge.
Still Life With Gilt Goblet, 1635, 88 x 113 cm.
Still Life, 1640, 58.5 x 79 cm.
Still Life (Breakfast), 1629, 46 x 69.2 cm.
Still Life With Pewter, 1656, 50 x 83.5 cm.
Still Life, 1634, 43 x 57 cm.

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